

Monday, May 10, 2021

If You're a Gamer Who Hasn't Checked Out GMS Magazine Yet, You Really Should!

It's Monday, and I'd like to take a break from my general advice pieces that have become the norm here to boost the signal on someone else's project. Because a video recently came out that I'd forgotten I was waiting for, and it just made my day.

Which is why I'd suggest everyone check out both Five Ways To Be a Better Ambassador For The RPG Hobby, as well as the channel that produced it GMS Magazine!

Regular readers might find the content familiar, for as the host points out this video is largely inspired by my article 5 Things You Can Do To Be a Better Ambassador For Your Hobby. What most folks might not know is that I'm a regular contributor in a Facebook group Paco Jean runs, and that's where our paths crossed. When I shared my article he mentioned he should do something in a similar vein, and I told him I looked forward to it.

Still, it put a smile on my face when the video finally dropped!

Support Creators, and Check Out GMS Magazine!

If there's one call to action I echo pretty regularly it's that creators out there need your support if they're going to continue doing what they do. Without an audience our numbers plummet, we can't get paid, and that means we stop making content. And you can never have too many people reading your blogs, watching your videos, listening to your podcast, etc.

While I haven't watched every video on the GMS Magazine YouTube channel, I have enjoyed most of what I have watched (even the stuff that doesn't talk about me!). So I thought I'd take this Monday to do what I could to boost a fellow creator's signal.

All of us need every bit of support we can manage. Especially these days, with everything so turbulent and fractious out there!

Also, speaking of supporting creators, don't forget to sign up for my weekly newsletter if you want to stay on top of all my fresh content. And, if you've got a bit of spare dosh, consider becoming a Patreon patron, as that's the way I really keep the landlord from sniffing round my door!

Like, Follow, and Stay in Touch!

That's all for this week's Moon Pope Monday. To stay on top of all my content and releases, make sure you subscribe to my newsletter at the bottom of the page!

Again, for more of my work, check out my Vocal archive, and stop by the YouTube channel Dungeon Keeper Radio. Or if you'd prefer to read some of my books, like my cat noir thriller Marked Territory, my sword and sorcery novel Crier's Knife or my latest short story collection The Rejects, then head over to My Amazon Author Page!

To stay on top of all my latest releases, follow me on FacebookTumblrTwitter, and now Pinterest as well! To support my work, consider Buying Me a Ko-Fi, or heading to The Literary Mercenary's Patreon page to become a regular, monthly patron. That one helps ensure you get more Improved Initiative, and it means you'll get my regular, monthly giveaways as a bonus!

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