

Monday, December 8, 2014

JBM Press- Gaming Tee Shirts You Really Want!

Most of you reading this have never heard of JBM Press. You might actually be wearing one of their tee shirts right now (particularly if you went to Gen Con), and not even know it. If you need a quick check though just look down at your shirt and ask two questions: Is it geeky? Is it awesome?

Are you wearing this? If not, then go here!
This is just one design created for JBM's Player Character series, featuring designs by the very talented Tony Steele (check out his galleries at his website SteeleWorks). In addition to PC tee shirts though JBM also offers Peaks ("I climbed" shirts that make references to everywhere from the Wall in Game of Thrones to Mount Doom), Saabs (like the car), Gamer, Seattle, North Bend, and Other.

No matter what your preferred area of geekdom, JBM has something that will make you click Buy fast enough to dent your left mouse button.

Original Geeks Creating Awesome Art

JBM Press can be found working a huge variety of conventions and events, and their website offers a slew of insights into how they came to be who and what they are today. Not only that but it lists the rates they offer for custom printing, deals on bulk orders, and you can check out the brief history of how JBM Press came to be.

Also their CEO's middle name is Adventure. It's on the Internet, so it must be true.

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1 comment:

  1. All true! Every word! Get thee to ans use coupon code TENBUCKSOFF for just that, ten bucks to spend, on us! Enjoy and share as much as you like, everyone gets ten bucks to spend, free!
