Tuesday, December 19, 2023

What Shows Would You Like To See on The Azukail Games Channel in 2024?

So, we're approaching the end-of-year wrap up. While I've still got plenty of stuff to polish off, edit up, and turn in, I'm trying to keep an eye on the calendar, and to figure out what I'm planning on doing for the coming year. While I've got quite a few TTRPG supplements planned, along with the full release of my first RPG Army Men: A Game of Tactical Plastic, I've been putting a lot of stuff out for the Azukail Games YouTube channel (which you should subscribe to if you haven't yet), and my hope is that I'll be able to really expand that in the coming year.

However, part of that is going to be up to you all! So before we ring in 2024, I wanted to test the waters, and see if I could get some thoughts from folks out there who regularly read this blog about what they'd like to see regarding the shows we have, and potential expansions in the coming year.

Because there's a lot of stuff in the works right now...

Before we get into the nitty gritty this week, don't forget to sign up for my weekly newsletter to get all my updates right in your inbox. Also, if you've got a bit of spare cash that you'd like to use to help keep the wheels turning, consider becoming a Patreon patron! Also, be sure you're following all of my followables, check out my LinkTree.

Lastly, for hundreds of extra articles on gaming, weird history, and for more free fiction, check out my Vocal archive, too!

Show #1: Discussions of Darkness

Going strong for just about a year now, the 19th episode of Discussions of Darkness should be up on the channel before the year is over, and I'm currently working on the 20th episode. That's something of a milestone, so I'm hoping to make it a little special.

A majority of the episodes have, thus far, been focused on advice for Storytellers who are planning on running a World or Chronicles of Darkness game, the big traps to avoid falling into, and some tips on how to really challenge your players, or to make the atmosphere of your game better. And while some topics seem to be more popular than others, I wanted to hear from my audience if there was anything you wanted to see covered in the future, or if you'd like to see me change-up the formula and try out different things.

For example, would you like to see something more scripted where my face isn't as present? Would you like some background music to go along with me talking? Should I bring in some mechanical topics, or review some products out there to give my viewers some insight into useful supplements for their games? Or would folks like to see me really sink my teeth into particular games within this setting, such as Changeling, Geist, Vampire, Werewolf, etc., and talk about topics specifically related to those games?

This last one might be important for the next section, as they might dovetail together quite nicely...

Show #2: Expanded Audio Fiction

Audio dramas are one of the oldest types of videos I've been making for the channel, and they also hold the top slot for most views something I've made has received. For those who are curious, my most-viewed piece at 1.6K is the Changeling: The Lost story The Butcher's Door. However, all of the audio dramas that appear on the Azukail Games channel are so small because they're the dramatized introductions to various TTRPG supplements I've written, which the company has published. They're meant to give the listener a peek into the world, and to figure out if this is something they'd like to get a copy of for their table.

However, over the past few years, several of my listeners have asked me why I don't make full-length podcast-style stories. And the answer is, quite frankly, money. However, if we can get the channel monetized (we still needed about 1,000 hours of watch time when I last checked in) that is something I'd love to dedicate time and energy to!

My original idea was to make a Dark Pack project for the Chronicles of Darkness, and to piggyback off of several of the shorts I've already made, and to use the series as a way to see what kinds of supplements listeners might want more of. If this is the first you're hearing of it, I suggested a Changeling season 1 titled Grim Promises in "Windy City Shadows," A Chronicles of Darkness Podcast Proposal, and then I recently followed it up with a more recent Table Talk post titled Dead City Blues: A Potential Second Season For "Windy City Shadows" for those who were interested in where it could expand to once the first season was done.

I must re-iterate that this project would be a huge undertaking. While I have plots and ideas, along with several other voice actors who've helped me out over the years, I have not written scripts or confirmed anything. Which means that if you'd rather see a fantasy audio drama series told in my Sundara: Dawn of a New Age setting, or you'd rather I continue on with some of my sci-fi audio dramas, that is still an option as well. And if that's something you'd like to see, then make your voice heard in the comments, and share the videos for the stories you'd most like to see expanded on in a big way!

And if you're someone who'd like to check out longer audio dramas by yours truly, make sure you stop in and subscribe to my Rumble channel The Literary Mercenary! I've been slowly adding content there for a while, and I've dramatized several short stories, along with using the channel as a back-up for my show Tabletop Mercenary!

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15 seconds

Show #3: Tabletop Mercenary

Speaking of Tabletop Mercenary, this is my newest show on the channel. With the 3rd episode dropping last week, and the 4th one being chosen as I write this, the goal of this show is to pull back the curtain and talk about how the sausage gets made when it comes to being a professional TTRPG designer. And since I've been in the trade for about a decade now, I figured that I'd share what I know, and do my best to help folks out there avoid making the same mistakes I made earlier in my career.

This show is still in its infancy, and though I have a lot of topics to cover, I want to make sure that I'm answering the questions you all have in the audience. So, to that end, what is something you've always wanted to know about the TTRPG industry, but you've been unsure who the hell to ask about it?

While I've received some questions about crowdfunding (and I have an expert waiting in the wings to help me tackle that topic), along with some questions about intellectual property, there have been relatively few specific inquiries thus far. So whether you're wondering about whether or not you can write for a particular game, or use a particular system, or what sort of supplements work best in the market, my ears are open! Just leave a comment (preferably on the video itself, so my publisher sees them as well), and I'll make sure to bump up that topic in the script line!

And, once again, make sure you subscribe to my channel The Literary Mercenary on Rumble, in addition to the Azukail Games YouTube channel to stay on top of this particular show!

Like, Follow, and Stay in Touch!

That's all for this week's Moon Pope Monday. To stay on top of all my content and releases, make sure you subscribe to my newsletter at the bottom of the page!

Again, for more of my work, check out my Vocal archive, and stop by the Azukail Games YouTube channel, or my Daily Motion channel!. Or if you'd prefer to read some of my books, like my dystopian sci-fi thriller Old Soldiers, my sword and sorcery novel Crier's Knife or my latest short story collection The Rejects, then head over to My Amazon Author Page!

To stay on top of all my latest releases, follow me on FacebookTumblrTwitter, and now Pinterest as well! To support my work, consider Buying Me a Ko-Fi, or heading to The Literary Mercenary's Patreon page to become a regular, monthly patron. That one helps ensure you get more Improved Initiative, and it means you'll get my regular, monthly giveaways as a bonus!

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